
Monday, February 25, 2008

Dozens of Chinese Christians detained; S. Korean minister missing

XILINHAOTE CITY, Inner Mongolia (W.) Feb. 25, 2008 -- The president of the Inner Mongolia Branch of the Chinese House church Alliance , Wang Dawei, was detained along with more than 40 co-workers last week, according to China Aid.
China Aid said the leaders were in their third day of Bible study when more than 100 police officers from the State Security Bureau and members of the Religious Affairs bureua disrupted the meeting and detained the ministers.
Police officials also confiscated the offering collection and more than 30 boxes of Bibles and other Christian literature, China Aid said. Security Bureua members then searched Dawei's personal residence.
The leader of the meeting, a South Korean minister, was also detained during the incident, his whereabouts remain unknown, China Aid said.
The intensity of persecution amongst members of the Chinese House Church Alliance continues to increase as the Beijing Olympics draw near, China Aid said.