[Editor's Note: Word News published this series
on Fridays. The stories were lost because of a server problem years ago.
Word News is rebuilding these exclusive stories and will run them under
the category "Flashback." Enjoy!]
ORANGE COUNTY, Calif. (WordNews.org) Oct. 7, 2005 — One of Christian music’s top-selling — and controversial — bands, Stryper, is back on the road, and on a mission.
“We’re back together,” said Michael Sweet, lead singer and one of the
founders of the band that dates back to 1983 and once topped Billboard.
The Stryper “Reborn” tour is in the early stages. The first new album
since 1990. [Editor’s note: Stryper has since put out “The Covering” in
2011 and “Murder by Pride” in 2009].
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